
913/914 i2c slave address

In our project we use very often TI fpdlink3 serdes chips, in these days we stumbled into the 913/914 couple.

Seems to me that the logic of the pass through and the pass all is very different from the 925/926 couple or the other 92x series (despite the description in the data sheets being the same).

After enabling the pass all option on the 913 we got all the addresses of the i2c bus ACKed by the remote 914 deseriazlier whitout any remote slave present… what's the purpose of this behavior?

How can we set the pass-all function to access remote slaves without having to set slave aliases?


Sorry, I can't  get the type 913/914 , CDCE913 or DS90UB913A or other?

Jessie pei:

回复 user151383853:

Sorry , IC is DS90UB913A.

Kailyn Chen:

pass though and pass though all are different:

Pass Through—This I 2C control enables communication with all the remote devices, whose device ID and corresponding device Alias fields is defined into the local device (Ser or Des).

Pass Through All— This control enables all I 2C transaction over the serial link that are not addressing the local device.

Which do you  need? Pass though or pass though all? Actually, 925/926 and 913/914 about the I2C over FPD link should be the same.

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