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15.6 Advanced Topics and Other Information
15.6.1 Serial and Parallel Programming of the MSC1210
The MSC1210 flash program memory may be updated either in a serial or parallel
fashion. In these cases, the process is controlled by protocol that allows the PC
(or other external device) and the MSC1210 to communicate. This protocol is described in www-s.ti.com/…/sbaa076a.pdf.
15.6.2 Debugging Using the MSC1210 Boot ROM Routines
The MSC1210 boot ROM, in addition to facilitating the update of flash memory,
can also be used to control a debugging session. This is described in

15.6.3 Using MSC1210 with Raisonance Development Tools
In addition to the Keil toolset, which is included with he MSC1210 EVM kit, Raisonance provides a development toolset that may be used to develop software for
the MSC1210. Further details on using the Raisonance tools with the MSC1210
are provided at www-s.ti.com/…/sbaa080.pdf.

Kailyn Chen:

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