
AFE5818EVM 和 TSW1400


使用HSDCPro GUI 下载固件以后,TSW1400板子上的LED并没有如用户指南中所写的那样亮起来。等到HMC-DAQ GUI自动打开后,我点击“initialize Device”后,出现如下提示


(Error 5001 occurred at Specified Register or Block cannot be find in Register map tree.
Source: Main Engine – Identify Register Details.vi

This error code is undefined. Undefined errors might occur for a number of reasons. For example, no one has provided a description for the code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

Additionally, undefined error codes might occur because the error relates to a third-party object, such as the operating system or ActiveX. For these third-party errors, you might be able to obtain a description of the error by searching the Web for the error code (5001) or for its hexadecimal representation (0x00001389).)



This error code is undefined. Undefined errors might occur for a number of reasons. For example, no one has provided a description for the code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

Additionally, undefined error codes might occur because the error relates to a third-party object, such as the operating system or ActiveX. For these third-party errors, you might be able to obtain a description of the error by searching the Web for the error code (5001) or for its hexadecimal representation (0x00001389).)

这里的说明是说软件和板子不匹配, 或者操作系统不支持


回复 user151383853:

win10系统,已经按照用户指南进行了相关设置;软件HSDCPro GUI和HMC-DAQ GUI应该都是最新版本的。

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