
CC2652P: Z-stack initialization configuration

Part Number:CC2652POther Parts Discussed in Thread:Z-STACK

Protocol stack initialization; First, I use the editor as the official CCS, open the official Z-stack routine, delete the official application layer, and configure the Z-stack initialization according to the official API. Can't it be configured like this way? This is done according to the official API
The configuration is as follows:

staticvoidzclGenericApp_Init(void )



//Register one or more Zigbee Device Endpoints by calling Zstackapi_AfRegisterReq().

  zclGenericAppEpDesc.endPoint = GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT;

  zclGenericAppEpDesc.simpleDesc = &zclGenericApp_SimpleDesc;

  zclport_registerEndpoint(appServiceTaskId, &zclGenericAppEpDesc);//Zstackapi_AfRegisterReq


/*Register for Z-Stack Callback (asynchronous) messages by calling Zstackapi_DevZDOCBReq() with the wanted callbacks.*/




/*Write Z-Stack parameters by calling Zstackapi_sysConfigWriteReq() with the wanted parameters. */




/*Call Zstackapi_DevStartReq() to start the Z-Stack Thread's automatic joining process.*/




/* call zclport_getDeviceInfo()to retrieve the device's joined network parameters.//





by calling Zstackapi_AfDataReq() to send application proprietary messages.

Void  send(){    Zstackapi_AfDataReq()          


The functions defined in zstackapi.h are functions that communicate with the Z-Stack image through OsalPort messaging. If an immediate response, not over the air, is expected, the function will block for the response message.

To setup communicate with the Z-Stack thread, your application should do the following initialization (simplified):

  • Register one or more Zigbee Device Endpoints by calling Zstackapi_AfRegisterReq().
  • Register for Z-Stack Callback (asynchronous) messages by calling Zstackapi_DevZDOCBReq() with the wanted callbacks. For example, if you would like to receive device state change notifications, you will have to set the has_devStateChange and devStateChange fields to true in a zstack_devZDOCBReq_t, then call Zstackapi_DevZDOCBReq().
  • Write Z-Stack parameters by calling Zstackapi_sysConfigWriteReq() with the wanted parameters. Example parameters are channel mask, PAN ID, poll rates, timeouts, etc…
  • Call Zstackapi_DevStartReq() to start the Z-Stack Thread's automatic joining process.

When the joining process is complete, you'll receive a zstackmsg_CmdIDs_DEV_STATE_CHANGE_IND message with a state of:

  • zstack_DevState_DEV_ZB_COORD – the device started as a coordinator.
  • zstack_DevState_DEV_ROUTER – the device joined as a router.
  • zstack_DevState_DEV_END_DEVICE – the device joined as an end device.

You should then call zclport_getDeviceInfo(), or Zstackapi_sysNwkInfoReadReq() if your application isn't a ZCL project, to retrieve the device's joined network parameters.

You're free to do device discovery through ZDO commands (ie. Zstackapi_ZdoMatchDescReq()) and send data either through ZCL commands or by calling Zstackapi_AfDataReq() to send application proprietary messages.

Once you've registed an endpoint, your application will recieve any data message addressed to that endpoint as an AF Incoming Data Indication [zstackmsg_afIncomingMsgInd_t with a message event of zstackmsg_CmdIDs_AF_INCOMING_MSG_IND] through an OsalPort message.

Also, any indications or response message that you have signed up for using Zstackapi_DevZDOCBReq() will be delivered to your application as an OsalPort message. For example, the Device State Change message [zstackmsg_devStateChangeInd_t with a message event of zstackmsg_CmdIDs_DEV_STATE_CHANGE_IND].

Annie Liu:

I don't know what you are trying to achieve, however you should definitely be using the default example and not changing any of the Z-Stack initialization procedure until you fully understand the APIs involved.  I highly recommend that you get started with Z-Stack development by reviewing the SimpleLink Academy Labs.

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