
mmwave cascade

i have three questions.

the first question: I have bought the MMWCAS-DSP-EVM and the MMWCAS-RF-EVM. Through the mmwave  studio,I found that the data i captured was stored in the ssd and then i follow the user guide use the gui to post-processing。the range ,angle  and the velocity of the object were calculated by matlab。so what is the dsp board ’s function?can i just get the range and angle and velocity through the dsp board without any applications such as matlab.

The second questionwhen i was testing the case3:TX Beam Forming Configuration ,there was a scriptCascade_Configuration_TXBF.luathat used advanced frame configuration I can’t understand。In this script ,there is a function named ar1.AdvanceFrameConfig_mult() that I want to know its detail and these parameter’s meaning.and what ‘s the difference between frame configuration and the advanced configuration.

The third questionhow to reflect the object’s range,angle and velocity timely by using the MMWCAS-DSP-EVM and the MMWCAS-RF-EVM.




回复 Chris Meng:

Couldyou please help me answer my another questionwhen you are free.

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